Hutton George: End Self Sabotage Goal Setting Guide For Life




Setting goals shouldn't be hard. But for many, they are. What makes setting a weight loss or financial goal more complicated than baking a cake or building a birdhouse from proven blueprints? This guide will shed light on an old issue, and turn you into a relentless goal setting powerhouse. You'll learn the difference between milestone goals and directional goals. You'll learn how far into the future you should expect to achieve specific goals, and why setting specific goals further will almost always fail. You'll know the nuts and bolts of human decision making, and why predicting the future, even it's as simple as imagining what will be like to be a few pounds lighter in a few weeks, is literally impossible. You'll learn why directional goals, more broad and allow much more room for changing course on the way, are much more effective based on our hunter-gatherer instincts. You'll learn everything you need to know to get started making all areas of your life come alive with continuous success as far into the future as you can make it.